In a groundbreaking announcement that seems torn from the pages of a sci-fi novel, Elon Musk has unveiled that Neuralink, his ambitious venture into neurotechnology, has successfully implanted a computer chip into a human brain. This chip, Musk asserts, will enable...
Overview Forging vaccination cards is one of the burning issues in the US. As the proverb goes, even the dead wake up for money; cash king people are unaware of the fact that a fool and the money are soon departed.’ They amass wealth at the cost of, maybe,...
Watch your step! Accidents can happen when least expected. Especially when you are on a ladder, beware of your every footing. In the blink of an eye, your life can take an unexpected turn, leaving you battling not only with physical injuries but also the resonating...
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects millions of people worldwide. Traditional treatments for GERD include lifestyle changes, medications, and, in severe cases, surgery. However, medications like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can have long-term side effects...
Overview It is undoubtedly true and easy to settle for all the economic damages arising from car accidents, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, and slip and fall cases. Comparatively, it is tough to claim non-economic damages since mental anguish cannot be weighed...