Just Imagine! Can a machine designed for efficiency and utility suddenly turn into a machine of disaster? That's what...
Catastrophic Injury Lawsuits: How to Sue the Negligent?
What if a mishap changes your fate and leaves you with life-changing injuries? Such injuries that leave an individual...
Hip Labral Tear Settlement: The Claiming Process
Did you know? During regular activities like walking, running, a healthy hip carries nearly five times a person's body...
Toxic Chemical Impacts on Health and FAQs on Winning Claims
Overview In the race of developing nations, various new chemicals are formulated to create a wide variety of products. Even though useful in one way, these things can be highly toxic to the environment and the health of the people. Exposure to a toxic chemical, in the...
Needle Stick Injury Lawsuit : How to claim?
What is a needle stick injury? Needle stick injury is not just the pricking pain or the wound caused by a needle. There's more to it than that. By definition, needle stick injuries are wounds caused by hypodermic needles or sharp medical devices accidentally...
Work-related auto accidents and possibility of claims
Overview A large number of people scurry in their vehicles to work every day. In the United States, auto accidents have become a prominent reason for work-related fatalities. Wikipedia records that work-related motor vehicle crashes in the USA account for 24% of all...
Construction Accident Claims-All you Need to Know
Overview No job in this world would be a breeze. Especially when you earn your bread and butter working on a construction site, it’s definitely a risky affair. Reports reveal that Texas and California rank first and second respectively for work-related injuries in the...
Know Why Medical Documentation Is the Need of the Hour
Here is a riddle for you. I am not your parent or guardian. I am not your caregiver. But I have all the details about your health. I will travel with you throughout your life. Who am I? Can you figure out the answer? The medical record is the answer. Medical...