Have you ever fallen on ice and then waved your arms to regain your balance? It is riskier than you think. Slipping on...

Have you ever fallen on ice and then waved your arms to regain your balance? It is riskier than you think. Slipping on...
Visiting amusement parks or theme parks is often a highlight for many, bringing people together, strengthening family...
Even a minute error could boom a chemical industry in a fraction of a second. All the lives around it become ashes in...
Overview In the race of developing nations, various new chemicals are formulated to create a wide variety of products. Even though useful in one way, these things can be highly toxic to the environment and the health of the people. Exposure to a toxic chemical, in the...
The expression "A healthy mind in a healthy body" highlights the necessity of maintaining physical fitness. Exercise is an important aspect of most people's lives in the United States. Americans who are health-conscious spend a lot of time at gyms. To make training...
Watch your step before you tread onto a staircase, as you don’t know what surprise awaits. This is not just a warning, but something we must always keep in mind. Statistics record that falling down the stairs is the second most prominent cause of injuries after motor...
Overview Some inventions turn out groundbreaking and revolutionary. No doubt, escalators are aforesaid. With the invention of escalators, a universe of opportunity was unlocked in the arena of commerce. Thanks to Charles Seeberger, people could ascend into the air or...
Here is a riddle for you. I am not your parent or guardian. I am not your caregiver. But I have all the details about your health. I will travel with you throughout your life. Who am I? Can you figure out the answer? The medical record is the answer. Medical...