Product Liability

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Zostavax Lawsuit Updates 2024 – The Hideous Truth

Merck hasn’t sold or produced Zostavax in the US since 2020, but that’s not ending the lawsuits. Numerous lawsuits alleging adverse effects of the shingles vaccination, problems with its efficacy, and complaints about its marketing and advertising are still pending in...

Eye Drop Recall Lawsuit: When Your Eyes Are at Risk

Are you aware of the ongoing eye drops recall? The recall of eye drops has received a lot of attention from many people. Each year, millions of Americans use over-the-counter eye drops to treat common issues such as dryness, redness, and irritation in their eyes. If...

Port Catheter Lawsuit: Exposing the Implanted Port Issues

Are you aware of a port catheter lawsuit? Or maybe you're just trying to figure out what this lawsuit is all about? Anyway, this blog will guide you through the port catheter problems and recalls, and the port catheter lawsuits. Whether you're a patient turned...

Qunol Supplement Lawsuit: Allegations of False Advertising

Everyone wants to be healthy and fit, and many products are advertised as promoting good health. But what happens when these products make false promises? One such product is Qunol supplements. These supplements have been found to contain less than the advertised...