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Are You in Trouble by a Defective Hernia Mesh?

Overview A soft lump in your belly or groin. It may go away when you press on it or lie down. It may leave you in pain when you cough, stoop or lift something heavy. That’s a hernia, in layman’s terms. An organ, intestine, or fatty tissue when shoved through a hole or...

SoClean Lawsuit: Critical Update for CPAP Users

Many people have used CPAP machines to treat sleep apnea for restful sleep and greater well-being. Among the products designed to enhance the CPAP experience, the SoClean CPAP cleaner has gained popularity as a tool to sanitize and maintain these essential devices....

Cartiva Implant Lawsuits: Keep the Manufacturers up the Creek

Did you know that your big toe bears twice as much weight as the rest of your toes? The “big” toe has a significant role in propulsion and stress absorption. Whether to run or walk, your big toe should be in good shape and condition. It maintains the balance of your...

Hip Replacement Lawsuits: Understanding Liability & Compensation

Hip manufacturing companies have settled billions of hip replacement cases during the past 20 years. These cases frequently center on metal-on-metal hip replacement implants, widely used in the 2000s before physicians and patients became aware of the risks. If one of...